Various international high-tech corporations have been illegally using this technology, patented in Germany and Great Britain, free of charge for years. Bei Patentpool beschleunigen wir seit 25 Jahren Innovationen in einer Vielzahl von Zukunftsbranchen. About 3,000 ideas and projects a year get our scrutinizing eye. A clear allocation of tasks is always ensured: Our experts take on all business functions so that the innovators can concentrate exclusively on the technical development. We focus on future and growth markets of all kinds and the global megatrends, which specifically range from extremely sophisticated IT solutions to the medical use of cannabis. Dr. Heiner Pollert holds a doctorate in intellectual property law and is an expert in innovation management. Despite several scientific publications on Schloer technology, only a few experts examined the potential behind this novel way of handling data. Dr. Heiner Pollert holds a doctorate in intellectual property law and is an expert in innovation management. Heres the patent policy: the innovation is so complex and radical that not all ideas involved could be secured. If we see a promising risk profile, we suggest to the innovation provider that they found a company in partnership with us. Manchmal dauert es etwas bis man einen gemeinsamen Nenner findet. in turn was founded with the aim of supporting consumer goods producers in selling their products in the trade while enabling retailers to offer the right products to local customers. Pollert is an expert in the fields of intellectual property and innovation management. Numerous project approaches were offered, and on several occasions, to IT industry entities, including Microsoft. Always with an eye to patent protectability. Das Management in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Wirtschaftsprfer. Dazu passt, dass der Anteil der staatlichen Ausgaben fr Forschung . Das Software-Startup CryptoDATA hat eine neue Blockchain-Messenger-App namens Wispr entwickelt und sich mit der Patentpool-Gruppe zusammengetan, um sie zur nchsten groen Messenger-App im Westen zu machen. We seized on his technological visions, visions he had previously pursued under the project name Tosca. At the end of the 1990s, the Patentpool Group, the force behind Zoe Life Technologies AG, was working together with the US computer scientist and IT system architect Hardy Schloer. From this point on, in most cases, we take over the operational management and commercial work in contrast to many venture capital companies. Gave birth to her son David (born in 1997), whose father is her former boyfriend Pascal Vicedomini, and two children, Glen (born January 2005) and Remo Aim (born 28 August 2006), from her marriage to Dr. Heiner Pollert.He has also a daughter, Lola Dockhorn (born in 1996), from a prior relationship. Provider of services for the transformation of revolutionary and patentable ideas into successful platform technologies. With thePatentpool Group, weve been accelerating innovation in a wide variety of future industries for some 25 years now. Solange der Hype nicht begonnen hat.Entscheide dich fr unser Team, Wir sind bereits 63 und werden tglich mehr. Vollstndigen Video geht es Hier entlang, !! The Arcware 3D cloud platform enables interactive, real-time, 3D application delivery on all current and future devices. Consequently, not even Wispr itself can listen to calls, read messages, or compromise the integrity of file transfers. Heiner Pollert wurde am 30. Well, if were interested in an idea, a technology, or a project, we really put the project under the microscope. A further step planned is the launching of a broad-based licensing program that is specifically aimed at large international corporations. Definitely, just about always! Heiner Pollert (* 30. Were currently considering legal action in the UK a patent was also granted for that country. 2023 Getty Images. Indeed I do. Das Unternehmen soll technische Innovationen patentrechtlich schtzen, finanziell frdern und managen. With the help of high-quality content, the company is creating the largest information network in Germany for physicians in private practice and those who want to become one. Der Aktuelle Wert von Xden betrgt !! The basic technology has been used illegally and free of charge by numerous international companies for years, including Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Cisco, Huawei, and Siemens. Dr. Heiner Pollert is the founder and senior advisor of Prisma Analytics as well as the Lead Investor with the Patenpool Group. Viele Ihrer Gesellschaften sind bilanziell berschuldet, worin liegt das begrndet? True. I came up with the idea of launching this business model during my time as a film producer. Juni 2022 in Augsburg verliehen. FrontNowin turn was founded with the aim of supporting consumer goods producers in selling their products in the trade while enabling retailers to offer the right products to local customers. Dazu zhlt Prisma Analytics, das mittels KI eine digitale Abbildung der realen Welt erschafft und mit der Prognosefunktion Antworten auf die groen Fragen der Menschheit etwa jene rund um den Klimawandel liefern knnen soll. So war es auch in Sachen Patentpool. In der aktuellen Ausgabe des neuen TV-Formats F15des Forbes Magazins interviewt Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann Dr. Heiner Pollert und spricht mit ihm ber den Status Quo von Innovationsgeist und Erfindertum in Deutschland, ber Chancen und Risiken knstlicher Intelligenz und ber die Potenziale nachhaltiger Innovationen und disruptiver Zukunftstechnologien. Seine Doktorarbeit verfasste er im Bereich Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz/Urheberrecht. Das gilt auch, aber nicht nur fr die Innovationsttigkeit beim Klimaschutz. The HVP fund combines the advantages of open-end and closed-end funds through tailor-made solutions for investors, all within the scope of an evergreen fund. Retail and wholesale trade are connected here on one platform. He is also the first chairman of the German Institute for Inventions, which has been awarding the Rudolf Diesel Medal, Europes oldest innovation prize, for almost 70 years. And our projects can only be successful with the right people and partners if you like our attitude or think your company would be a suitable network partner, were eager to hear from you. In fact, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) commenced an investigation into WhatsApp back in December 2018, and the outcome of this investigation was bad news for WhatsApp. Through capital input, know-how, and a broad network, we transform innovations into marketable technologies and products. August 1959 in Stuttgart) ist ein deutscher Unternehmer, Jurist und Experte auf dem Gebiet des Innovationsmanagements. A lot of know-how leaked to the outside world, an unavoidable outcome when presenting technologies. At the time, I was passionate about developing TV formats, and it happened to me quite often that large production companies and broadcasters simply implemented these same ideas after seeing our presentation without my colleagues and me and without paying us for it. Nationality: GERMAN. The Arcware 3D cloud platform enables interactive, real-time, 3D application delivery on all current and future devices. With the Patentpool Group, weve been accelerating innovation in a wide variety of future industries for some 25 years now. Dr. Heiner Pollert, Grnder und Chef der auf Innovationsmanagement spezialisierten Patentpool Gruppe, erhofft sich von den knftigen Koalitionren starke Impulse fr Forschung und Entwicklung. Heiner Pollert (* 30. Here are four examples; Lets start with Aircoating Technologies. Die Verleihung der Rudolf-Diesel-Medaillen als Galadinner im MAN Museum Augsburg am 23.06.2022 war ein voller Erfolg. Definitely, just about always! Dr. Heiner has 4 jobs listed on their profile. Suunto d6 - Der Vergleichssieger der Redaktion. If we see a promising risk profile, we suggest to the innovation provider that they found a company in partnership with us. All Rights Reserved. How to Setup VPN on Router? Der digitale TV-Kanal F15 von Forbes produziert Video-Interviews mit den wichtigsten unternehmerischen Denkern der DACH-Region und darber hinaus. Well, if were interested in an idea, a technology, or a project, we really put the project under the microscope. Das Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats der Gesellschaft Herr Dr. Heiner Pollert hat sein Mandat mit Wirkung zum Ende dieser Hauptversammlung niedergelegt und wird daher zu diesem Zeitpunkt aus dem Aufsichtsrat ausscheiden. Sure. Wir arbeiten nur in Ausnahmefllen mit vom Laura scott einkaufstrolley Leiter der Herstellung gestellten Testprodukten. This company has developed a technology that can extract, analyze and correlate a variety of structured and unstructured information from digital sources in real-time. DR HEINER POLLERT - INACTIVE - Director ID is 916395163 And address is Konrad Str 2, Munich, 80801 - A free Director Summary including all company appointments. Dem entgegen steht die eher nchterne Betrachtung Heiner Pollerts: Vor einer neutral denkenden Maschine habe ich weniger Angst als vor der Eitelkeit und Eifersucht eines menschlichen Entscheidungstrgers. Als Grnder und CEO von Patentpool das Mnchner Unternehmen ist ein Mix aus Risikokapitalgeber und Company Builder setzt Pollert den Fokus auf disruptive Technologien in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeits- und Informationstechnologie, Technikwissenschaft sowie Medizin/Pharma. The most important resource for themanagement of innovation projectsis capital through the investment fund Hightech Value Pool, you can participate directly in the success of our projects. As is so often the case with groundbreaking innovations, the C-suite, those responsible in the executive floors and development departments of the companies addressed, refused to cooperate. Verbraucherschutz-Podcast: Finanzbildung ber soziale Medien funktioniert das? August 1959 in Stuttgart geboren und machte dort sein Abitur am Humanistischen Karls-Gymnasium. Das Projekt RavenPack wurde 1999 gemeinsam mit der Patentpool Group ins Leben gerufen. We see ourselves as a kind of hybrid something between early-stage investors and company builders. In this interview with TechBullion, Dr. Heiner will be telling us more about Patentpool Group. Damit trifft Pollert einen Nerv, denn laut einer Analyse von CB Insights scheitern Start-ups neben der Tatsache, dass ihr Produkt oder ihre Dienstleistung vom Markt nicht gebraucht wird (in 42 % der Flle), vor allem an mangelndem Kapital (29 %) oder einem schlecht zusammengesetzten Team (23 %). Mittelstand Nachrichten berichtet in einem Beitrag vom 12.07.2021 ber die Patentpool Group und das Projekt Aircoating Technologies. Organisieren, kontrollieren, verteilen und messen Sie alle Ihre digitalen Inhalte. Despite several scientific publications on Schloer technology, only a few experts examined the potential behind this novel way of handling data. From word-of-mouth and letters to calls, emails, SMS, and messenger apps, there seems to always be a more advanced way to communicate. [2], Heiner Pollert ist seit 2007 Mitglied im Landeswirtschaftssenat Bayern des Bundesverband mittelstndische Wirtschaft (BVMW) und seit 2013 Mitglied im Beratungsausschuss Initiative Mittelstand im BVMW. Dr. Heiner Pollert's Post Dr. Heiner Pollert CEO & Founder of the Patentpool Group and Prisma Analytics GmbH | Chairman of the German Institute of Innovation 10mo Report this post . 1 Satz 1 der Satzung . "Manager der Innovationen", Forbes Magazin (PDF, 2MB), "Manager der Innovationen",, 27.04.2021, Video Interview von Dr. Pollert, Sebastian Ptzsch und Forbes-Redakteurin Andrea Glsemann auf, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. Gibt es zu denen einzelnen Investments sowas wie einen Investitionsbeirat in Ihrem Hause? Find Heiner Pollert Munich stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Always with an eye to patent protectability. Lieber in. In welcher Form gibt es da eine Partnerschaft und mit welchem Unternehmen der Dell Gruppe genau? unsrige Tester Aufgabe bekommen haben ohne Weiteres und objektiv an die Testberichte herantreten und Produkte whlen gehen, die ihrem Geneigtheit nach die Produktlandschaft in einer Kategorie am Who is who nachstellen. Our unique selling proposition is above all that we build up companies hand-in-hand with our innovators, using all our experience and all core business management functions. However, were dead chuffed that weve been able to successfully continue on this path to this day. Exit der Grndungsinvestoren der Patentpool Innovationsmanagement GmbH nach 18 Monaten mit Gesamt Brutto Rendite von 28% p.a.. Exit PATENTPOOL Technologie Fonds I GmbH & Co. KG. Mit Patentpool etablierte Heiner Pollert eine Mischung aus VC und Company Builder. Aus diesem Grund kmmern sich die Experten bei Patentpool mit ihrem wissenschaftlichen, technischen und finanziellen Know-how nicht nur um das Patentmanagement, sondern auch um die Kapitalbeschaffung fr das Unternehmen, das ein Patent anmelden und daraus eine neue Technologie entwickeln mchte., "Innovationen managen | Heiner Pollert, CEO Patentpool: #GMV", Youtube, 22.02.2021, Credit Suisse RavenPack AI Index gewinnt Index of the Year Award 2022, Wispr und CryptoDATA Tech werden Titelsponsoren des Moto GP am Red Bull Ring in sterreich, Tech Times berichtet ber Blockchain-Messenger-App Wispr, Die Gala zur Verleihung 2022 ein voller Erfolg, Hightech Value Pool: Nachhaltigkeit nachgewiesen. Retail and wholesale trade are connected here on one platform. If they succeed, they immediately gain access to all of the user's backed up conversations - which is of course a huge security risk. Heres the patent policy: the innovation is so complex and radical that not all ideas involved could be secured. When things go as desired, a successful exit takes place after a few years point nine of the plan. Single-handedly, it has disrupted banking, mobile payments, blockchain, crowdfunding, and many other . Patentpool has more than two decades of experience in innovation funding and will make a significant contribution in making our technology a success," said Ovidiu Toma, CEO of Wispr. Im W&V Podcast WasHeldenTun spricht Podcast-Host Dominik Hoffmann mit Dr. Heiner Pollert, Grnder und Geschftsfhrer der Patentpool Group, ber Patentrecht, die Frderung von Innovationen und sein persnliches Erfolgsgeheimnis. Heiner Pollert wurde am 30. Since WhatsApp accounts are always bound to a phone number, fraudsters regularly attempt to imitate users identity in order to obtain a person's second SIM card from their telecommunications provider. Edain Coin, Dell Technology Frdert Coin de Wissens in Zusammenarbeit mit Cryptodata und Prisma-analytics.Sei ein Teil der Grten Digitalen Krypto Wissensba. 1 AktG und 7 Abs. Numerous project approaches were offered, and on several occasions, to IT industry entities, including Microsoft. The platform for physicians is a disruptive entry into the healthcare sector. Zum Wochenende ein umfangreiches Interview mit Dr. Heiner Pollert im TechBullion: ber die Entstehung der Patentpool Group, unsere Portfolio Projekte, den Patentstreit mit Microsoft Deutschland . However, as significant parts of our everyday lives depend on communication facilitated via these messenger services, questions about privacy and concerns become louder. As the initiator of the fund, the Patentpool Group thus offers investors the potential of participating in the value creation of future technologies. In 1998 he founded the Patentpool Group in Munich, focused on innovation management for seed-stage and start-up companies. FrontNow in turn was founded with the aim of supporting consumer goods producers in selling their products in the trade while enabling retailers to offer the right products to local customers. Any and all looking for job openings or wanting to submit speculative applications are welcome via We work extensively with universities as well as the aforementioned German Institute for Inventions to filter out less viable prospects and end up with the right start-ups. Hier knnen Sie Inhalte sammeln, auswhlen und Anmerkungen zu Ihren Dateien hinterlegen. Thankfully, the skills needed to manage innovation projects are very similar to those needed for TV projects. Von 1992 bis 1996 war Heiner Pollert in der Geschftsleitung der MPS Medien Produktion Stuttgart GmbH, einem Unternehmen der Familie Porsche. one of our hottest candidates. Dr. Pollert zeigt die Vision der Technologie von Prisma Analytics auf und wie man damit so manchen Konflikt vorahnen und mglicherweise sogar htte verhindern knnen. Sammelt diese Gesellschaft Anlegergelder ein? All rights reserved. There are countless companies thriving for innovation and change that are putting extra funds Are you looking to move your IT company from one building to another? Dr. Heiner Pollert In Biographical Summaries of Notable People Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree Ideally, we participate in basic technologies in the early phase, i.e., as shareholders. Des Weiteren wurden bis Ende 2005 . This blockchain-powered messenger app provides a platform for encrypted messaging, file transfers, and calls. This opens up new avenues, an almost endless vista of possibilities in immersive web design the front-end of the future, so to speak. Here are four examples of companies you can get a stake in via our newly launched HICP fund. Er studierte Jura an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen sowie an der Facult de Droit in Aix-en-Provence. August 1959 in Stuttgart geboren und machte dort sein Abitur am Humanistischen Karls-Gymnasium. We actively build and hone the company from the very beginning, both financially and strategically. Recently, the Hightech Valuepool (HVP) was launched an exciting investment vehicle. Dieser Exit erfolgte wie angekundigt nach 5 Jahren zum 31.10.2005 mit 17,21% Bruttorendite pro Jahr. Ideally, we participate in basic technologies in the early phase, i.e., as shareholders. Des Weiteren wurden bis Ende 2005 abzugsfahige Verluste in Hohe von ca. We are thrilled to announce that Canify A/S took a big step forward and has merged with a German pharmaceutical company, Bavaria Weed GmbH - one of the first German pharmaceutical companies with a license for unlimited production, importation, and packaging of cannabis raw materials. Aircoating is a surface-coating process developed on the model of nature, namely the water-repellent floating fern salvinia molesta. In einem Gastbeitrag auf dem Debattenportal TheEuropean erlutert Dr. Heiner Pollert die Bedeutung der bisher bekannten Plne einer potenziellen Ampelregierung fr den Innovationsstandort Deutschland. This covers the range from business plan creation, plan-safe financing through controlling, knowledge transfer, and PR/marketing up to professional personnel selection/HR. Then we have Arcware. This provides maximum security in a risky market. Seit wann arbeiten Sie mit Anlegergeldern zur Finanzierung Ihrer Unternehmen? Heiner Pollert ist promovierter Jurist, ehemaliger TV-Produzent und grndete 1998 die Patentpool Group. In 1998, he founded the Patentpool Group, where he is still CEO. August 1959 in Stuttgart) ist ein deutscher Unternehmer, Jurist und Experte auf dem Gebiet des Innovationsmanagements. 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