Through the process of spiritual awakening and ascension, your vibrational frequency is becoming lighter, your conscious awareness is expanding and your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are changing. As I type my Archangel Gabriel is letting me know his presence that hes with me oh and 444 so are others and the 333. 2011-2019 Self-care is a must when you are experiencing ascension symptoms! (I experienced bloating and tenderness for nearly . 15 Ways YOU Can Help with the Global Shift in Consciousness. Our physical body is being rewired. Hi Emma, Its been a very long time since I wrote this post and my pov on ascension symptoms has changed because One experiences Feeling drained of energy, often around particular people or in certain places; unexplainable worry, feeling overwhelmed; a feeling that you are going crazy or losing your mind; nervous breakdowns; experiencing a 'dark night of the soul'; soul transformations or transforming events occurring all at once; sudden and unexpected changes and feeling that you are spiraling out of control. These physical symptoms will usually occur even after any medical condition has been ruled out, and may persist even despite attempts to treat the symptoms with conventional medicines. Yes, we do have a newsletter for StrengthEssence! If your ascension symptoms Some entities are easy to release simply through demand and command, under free will they must go. My ears feel clogged and I started having pain in one of my teeth. While all twelve energy bodies are expanding during ascension periods, it is common to experience weight gain, water retention, bloating, and/or digestive issues. What I want to say is: WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SUPPORT!!?? Let them pass by you while simply focusing on the beginning of the next breath. There is a transmutation taking place in the very cells of your body. I thought I was pregnant at first then I realized that it had to be something deeper. I thought I was going crazy! Some people begin to see glittery crystals on their skin, a natural glow, a phenomenon due to the side effect of ascension symptom. Pain in the Teeth. Besides these spiritual ascension symptoms, many people are also reporting flu symptoms during ascension in 2022. I also began drinking holy water daily and wearing crystals to keep communication lines to my spirit guides open. I was not religious or even spiritual. I ask my angels to help me release past life challenges and old energy through my dreams in a gentle and loving way This has really helped! I stopped drinking, eating meat, smoking, drugs and anything else that was low energy. Not everyone understands that a shift in consciousness in swiftly underway in 2022, and many are resisting the new energies. I healed my physical body and mind with healthy, organic, whole foods. Unusual experiences with vision and perception in general. Imagine a white rose of light surrounding your entire head, dissolving any negativity, lower vibrational thoughts, and tension to help ease headaches. Your email address will not be published. You may wish you could just stay in the realms of spirit and let go of all the density and drama which comes with being physical. (As a side note: Please get medical help or advice for anything that is concerning or worrying to you. I used these as a road map to get myself out of the hell I had put myself in. It only lasts two or three minutes. Head pains move from right to left side or vice versa, or front to back, or move slightly around . These energies and sporadic symptoms will be experienced in the various Chakra centers depending on blocks/issues or when energetically being cleared or activated. Good advice to see a doctor when symptoms persist my blood pressure went up and was causing shortness of breath etc .. was send to a cardiologist and diagnosed wit CHF I am on medication now and have accepted it after a long time resisting Experiencing moments of 'audio dyslexia' where someone is speaking but it is as if you can't process the information or understand what they are saying; periods where words seem to lose their meaning or don't make sense in the same way they used to; One might also experience jumbled thoughts or trouble comprehending things; being easily distracted when listening to audio speech, or when someone is talking, often because your mind is racing with other associated thoughts or visuals. like they cant hear me? But I got stronger by working on releasing my 3rd dimensional crap through journaling, meditation, and exercise. Check inside of yourself to see if it istrue for you and if not get thee to a naturalpath to help you out. Physical ascension symptoms related to digestion often occur alongside sudden shifts in eating habits or appetite. By reading the face signs and supplementing with the appropriate tissue salts, one can . Other similar symptoms include feeling jittery or nervousness at times. Also experience aches and pains, eyesights fucked, and I go hot and cold.Recently, I have started experiencing electrical interference again (battery draining to zero on the Kindle Fire, for example). Helping people, for over 19 years, to LIVE their dreams and wildest wishes. Biochemic Cell Salt Deficiency. Where do we sign up to only experience these signs of ascension?). Below, Ive listed my 7 most unpleasant spiritual ascension symptoms and how I learned to deal with them! It takes guts to do so, but I really feel it helps others to read these experiences and know that theyre not alone! Im getting telephone calls. These heart symptoms may occur even when medical issues or conditions have been ruled out, and are usually not related to physical exercise or exertion. Were all doing different things to help ourselves.. for me meditation and walking around with my headphones playing constant high vibration music. Again, by simply observing them as they come up and allowing them to pass you as you breathe. (I didnt feel like I was holding still when laying down. Ive found some great ways for dealing with anger. Dont fight it! Dull pain in the navel area and/or either side of your bellybutton. I appreciate your comment, it helps others who are struggling to know that there is hope and it DOES get better! This is similar to scuba divers needing to blow air out every 10 feet or so upon ascending to the surface to avoid the bends. As your system goes through a 're-boot' it is felt throughout the mind, body and soul. Here is a quick table of predominantly-physical symptoms and their ascension-related interpretations put together from writings of Lauren Gorgo, Celia Fenn, and Denise Le Fay, but Wait! The process itself ends with Leo (Secret of sphinx/transformation starts in Virgo, ends in Leo). The other day I cut my cord to the words, I am tired and felt so much more energy the next morning!). Feeling the emotions of others is known as being empathic. Sometimes issues with high blood pressure or having extremely low blood pressure. I had stomach bloat for years eating in those ways. Bloating . Thank you for your comment and I hope everything works out for you, and these new symptoms get alleviated a.s.a.p.! Periods of excessive talking, or over-explaining details; a sudden influx of thoughts, feelings, visuals or 'words' that seem to flow out from within you naturally or unexpectedely in response to something or someone, sometimes at a rapid pace -- it sometimes feels as if it were 'someone else speaking through you' or can be related to the experiencing of 'channeling'. During the ascension process many are experiencing digestional upsets such as Irritable bowel symptoms. I hate hearing that good people are suffering! Not being able to remember events and forgetfulness. I not only woke up between 2 a.m. & 4 a.m. on my own, I also received many phone calls! Started Christmas Day! Very enlightening! I know that which I speak of. Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 1: You start to have body aches 2: You may have sore joints 3: You may start to experience fatigue 4: You start to have frequent headaches 5: You may notice toothaches 6: You start to experience vision changes 7: Tummy issues 8: Skin changes 9: You can get clumsy 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu When you spiritually ascend, you begin to sense and remember these higher dimensions where the ugly heaviness simply doesnt exist. Strange moments where you feel others cant hear you, or you cant hear or see them; not relating to others in the same way as before. On my way to work, many times I actually felt what seemed like hands or fingers moving within my stomach. Many times, this takes a toll on our physical bodies. I believe the body talksand when we truly learn the bodys language and listen to what it is telling us, we can heal ourselves! I am very sorry to hear this! When this occurs you first need to deduce whether it is food related or an emotional issue that you may be holding onto. Whispers From The Soul. It is the expansion of awareness Spend some time in nature, just being present in the moment in awe and gratitude for the beauty around you. The page will open in a new tab, so you can read it after you finish with this post! This can be the most jarring and is another common ascension symptom or spiritual awakening sign. ou may feel all of these or none. We just have to sit it out and trust the process. Please take time to practice lots of self-care right now and check with a doctor if there is anything super concerning At least for my peace of mind anyway Usually, when emotions hit you like a ton of bricks all at once, it is for you to observe, process (as you said) and let go of. What will the reward for all this misery be? You get a headache, a stomachache, joint pain, dizziness, or any of the other common ascension symptoms (including but not limited to): pain behind the eyes loss of appetite rashes/hives nausea stomach issues neck pain shoulder pain overwhelming emotion crying for "no reason" confusion chills/excess sweating fever Emma, my stomach is very bloated and uncomfortable, and actually, I believe a spirit or spirits keep going inside me. To help you through this Start to look for signs of the new earth and high vibrational living that is in the process of coming into being. These groups have nourished my Soul and uplift me when I struggle! More fruits and vegetables will be extremely important to your diets. It's not a race, there is no enlightenment triathlon to win. Yes you got it! Your Third Eye Chakra may be opening, which can cause pressure, headaches, and sensitivity to light. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully or at an accelerated rate. How do we let old beliefs, fear, and negativity go? This is very hard on your super-dense designed for the 3rd dimension physical body! Are you feeling achy-ness, or pain in areas of your body that you have not overexerted, or maybe discomfort in any area of your physical body but you don't know why? Everything in this article I am experiencing and I dont think it is a coincidence that at 2 am I woke up and found this . We are ascending without doubt. You are so excited about trying new foods, learning new things, and in awe of the beauty of life! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!?? Symptoms may include IBS, bloating, indegestion and gastro-intestinal issues, and; also swelling in lower abdoman and back. Its funny that when you are awakening, you are literally waking up! Youre pulling in huge amounts of air. During the Ascension process as we accrete frequency and light we may undergo a variety of ascension symptoms, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual-energetic.. When headaches appear as an ascension symptom, it is usually a result of the energies of others being in your head. I was wondering if you still speak in languages? Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of It also creates a balance in the amino acid tract. The truth of you authentic nature is that you are a high vibrational spiritual being A part of you remembers full fullness, grace and brilliance of your spiritual light. You are welcome to join us. Vivid dreams . In other words, youre becoming lighter, increasing in vibration, and expanding consciously. Sudden itching all over or in various areas of the body for no apparent reason; itching that occurs in a localized part of the body, such as the bottom of your foot or the top of your head, that seems to happen sporadically, or for a few minutes out of the blue, then suddenly stops. ASCENSION SYMPTOMS Some of you have already experienced these symptoms and some will continue to do so. You may see auras or colored light around people, animals or objects. Your email address will not be published. I was also able to help them through their crap much better! We are 1 month behind the actual transit dates. Learn more about how you can access every premium Meditation and Angelic Activation now! You may experience an overwhelming desire to leave the planet and a deep longing to return to home, even if you don't know where 'home' is, or can't explain this feeling. However, the increase in physical strength and sex drive werevery short-livedin my experience. Since 2009, I have been woken up in the night anywhere from 1:30 to 3:30. The best way to alleviate your Ascension symptoms is to have some chakra clearing work done, my twin flame and I are really good at this. Plus, the Teachers of Light have told me we can have ANYTHING we want From a 5th Dimensional Perspective! Hi, thank you so much for sharing this! Let go of programming. Also, keep in mind that your angels, and the power of love and light are infinitely more powerful than any darkness or negativity. I know it is very clich to say, but if you are experiencing any of these physical or mental ascension symptoms from spiritually awakening, you are not alone! Breathe, spend time in nature Take some time to rest nurture yourself and reboot, and know that you will adjust. Dont panic. What in the physical is reminiscent of your true home in spirit? I am these symptoms lol I also have visions and am physically and joyfully embodied. These physical eye and visual symptoms may occur even after eye problems have been ruled out and not due to eye strain or other physical causes. I sincerely hope you take advantage of this special no-brainer offer and leave the 3rd Dimension behind forever! Either way, it usually goes away very quickly. or inner chatter. Diarrhea. Its recently come to my attention that many people are dealing with ascension symptoms and trying to ascend from a 3rd dimensional perspective to a 5th without activating their personal power field or merkaba. You probably just have a bug and need lots of rest and Immune System Boosts! When these dense emotions come up Face them. Learn more about getting through ascension symptoms here. I love when people share their personal stories of awakening, and yours seems incredible! Periods of sudden nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously 'out of the blue'; experiencing the 'jitters', sudden 'chills' or tingles along your spine or at the top of your head. And I always encourage Many of the ascension symptoms are vague to describe and inexpressible in linear thought and language. These basic symptoms are early signals of the Ascension process. August 15th, 2020 tortilla de camarones receta peruana. 1: Body shivering or trembling Our bodies are filled with chakras that activate once we go through a spiritual ascension or awakening. And again if you feel this is something more then an ascension symptom get to a doctor. You just nailed my experience recently. Other issues include excessive flatulance/gas, fluctuating between periods of constipation and diarrhea, and acid reflex/GERD related issues. This makes it extremely hard not to get lonely and homesick for your true home. As pieces of your wounded psyche attempt to fuse back together, you may hear many voices. Abrupt Life Changes in job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments, or a sudden feeling of wanting to relocate or being drawn to a particular area. If your mind turns to thoughts of, Im fat. 2. Also, A sense of disorientation or being detached from reality; living 'in your head' or feeling spacey or distracted easily, or "in a fog". As for the aliens, I have no clue and prefer they stay far away from me! Home 15 Ways YOU Can Help with the Global Shift in Consciousness. It is as if you are a newborn seeing the world in a new way for the first time in years! 6. Know that these ascension symptoms will pass as you shift. I have always been very caring and take care of everyone before myself and love doing it . Besides these spiritual ascension symptoms, many people are also reporting flu symptoms during ascension in 2022. Your body may begin to have an aversion to such toxins and the higher spiritual energies are coming in to cleanse and purge your body of anything you consume that is denser in vibration. It actually feels like someone is shaking me. Why arent we getting any SUPPORT!!? Many new pathways for light are opening in your physical body, especially in your head area! They literally stink!) I wrote a blog post about it earlier this fall if you want to scroll through the archives. These physical symptoms can be common,particularly in the back or along the spine, in the neck, shoulder or head region. I believe these comments really help others who are going through the same thing! Thank you for your article. Excessive urination . Suddenly he ghosted me, no texting, not answering my phone calls. Get the Ascended Master's Manifesting Secrets Now! How do we allow old negativity and fears to be released? Often, it's described as a 'crushing' feeling inside the head/skull -- as if one's head is going to 'explode', making one want to literally 'bang their head against the wall'. The path of least resistance is the way through symptoms and challenges. It is 2am I woke up and this is starting to happen everyday . Please give me some advice! Migraines . I still have a ways to go . As you begin to awaken to the higher dimensional you, you will often experience an intense longing for your true home. Have you ever felt mentally, emotionally, or even physically challenged without any clear cause or reason as to why? This symptom is also related to (and often accompanies) sinus and allergy issues; extreme sinus pressure, sinus headaches or infections, and allergies. With the wisdom contained in its pages, Ive been able to manifest greater things with greater ease, maintain a strong connection to my guides, have more energy, and most importantly FEEL MORE JOY!!! Smells, sounds, TV, crowds, and certain people may feel unbearable at times. As you take on more levels of light and begin the long journey to reconnecting with your Soul, you will be confronted with all the horrible fears and negativity that youve hidden away, but never processed. Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Do you have a newsletter that I can get? The Bosnian Pyramids Sacred Spirit Journey 2019, The Bosnian Pyramids Sacred Spirit Journey 2018, Walking The El Camino A Sacred Spirit Journey, Iceland: Fire + Ice | Sacred Spirit Journey, Bosnian Pyramids Sacred Activation Package. Consciousness is expanding, but time is condensing to a single point in time, which is simply the present moment. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "ascensionsymptoms0a-20"; Again, meditation, merkaba activation and nature are the keys to getting over that seemingly impossible hill of spiritual ascension. This is not a "suicidal" feeling or necessarily a feeling based on escapism or pain, as some might feel this even when they are in a state of happiness. You may experience some, or all of these symptoms while ascending to living in the 5th dimension. The sensation of energy pouring in through the crown/head area is often described as 'sprinkles'. A common 'ascension' symptom is experiencing pain or pressure in or around the head, or entire skull area, including the eyes, ears, and sinuses, and sometimes in the lower face area, including teeth and gums, and jaw area. I seen kings and eagles and crows and lots of old old time stuff that I didnt understand. There is also Increased gas, bloating or a feeling of 'fullness' not necessarily due to diet. How Does Consciousness Relate To Personal Growth? The first signs of tissue salt deficiencies are visible in the face, [1] much before physical symptoms occur. Now, you are trying to ascend too fast (to 5d), and you get the bends. You might notice objects start to take on a strange appearance, or may 'morph' or change shape right before your very eyes, and then return to normal; you might notice these 'shapeshifting' effects in animals, people's faces, or even when viewing your own reflection in the mirror. But, they do get better and ease with time. I am now speaking every morning in a foreign language, not of this planet. Appreciate the little moments and bits of the physical that are good, vibrant, and beautiful and you will not only draw more of these things into the physical Through this you are also helping to tip the scale for mass consciousness towards the fifth dimension and as you continue to evolve you can be a wayshower for others. Asension clearly repeated. Lose Weight, De-Stress & Transform Jamie, I have had the worst couple of months (dec 19 & Jan 20) I thought I was being haunted or going crazy, and I resisted my spiritual awakening heavily! Shes guided me ever since and her teachings have helped me bring my children up alone with condition-less love and complete openness and heart-led minds. Experiencing more clumsiness, or bumping into walls or objects more often; lack of coordination control at times; dropping things more often; Feeling lightheaded or dizzy especially when sitting or standing up suddenly. Thank you for your site. It felt very much like I was in a giant battle against myself, and it was horrible! 5. More often than not, that deep dark box weve stored these ugly past experiences in is held in the root chakra. A great deal of spiritual and healing work happens while you are sleeping Sometimes waking up is just the breather you need to integrate whatever work was happening during your sleep. I am living this amazing adventure and have been so lost through it all, but oddly at home as well. Flatulence. I also count your inner demons coming to haunt you as Ascension Symptoms Sickness! Please Note: Not all of these symptoms can assumed to be attributed to the ascension process only. Let go and allow the changes of ascension to flow through your life. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. Are all body symptoms ascension? As ones personal vibration is raised they may naturally crave food and drink that is more pure. Absolutely there is an energetic ascension factor to many of our physical symptoms. You can also try taking Spirulina for your ascension flu symptoms. As healing work is done on the solar plexus chakra, many of these energies become cleared or purified, and as one reconnects with their personal strength and power centre, the spiritual ascensions symptoms will often accompany this awakening. Most likely you are experiencing this bloating down in the lower belly rather than up in your solar plexus. There is also Increased gas, bloating or a feeling of 'fullness' not necessarily due to diet. I argued and screamed at negative thoughts and my inner critic. I am trying to express to my family that I feel like I am floating out of my body but they look at me like Im loosing my mind. Symptoms often include gas and bloating after eating. 4. And the ascension process mimics menopause very closely, with short term memory loss, hot flashes and night sweats, heightened emotions,abdominal weight gain, food cravings, an inability to lose weight (no matter what we do! (Perhaps you had a hot and heavy, but unhealthy relationship in a past or parallel life). In short, ascension symptoms, or ascension sickness are symptoms your physical, mental, and emotional body exhibit while ascending from the heavy denseness of the 3rd dimension. Sending love and light your way! This all makes you get chilled. Cry if you feel like it, and then let the emotion go. The hours between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. have often been called, The Witching Hour. Much love and light to you! Im not a new ager, I understand your anger, rather then ignore your comment But heres the scary shit: Im having an effect on my mother. Because most of what we are releasing is associated with our lower chakras a bloating affect is the result. Sending much love and blessings your way! Some of the symptoms are; Increased gas, bloating or a feeling of fullness, not due to diet or overeating. Weight gain. Also, if youve never listened to any Solfeggio tones, I suggest you meditate to these (also on YouTube) as well. I wanted to reply back I hear you. These are various symptoms that are experienced through the bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) as it acclimatizes to higher frequencies and shifts in consciousness during the ascension process. Sending you love and light! Ringing in the Ears. And I asked for lots and lots and lots and lots of help from my spirit guides, Archangels, Source, and the Ascended Masters! Pay attention to your body and what it needs. 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